Linggo, Setyembre 11, 2011

Skin Diet

Natural Skin Diet

A good diet consisting of fresh, untreated foods is essential for the health of your entire body, not just your skin. A good intake of antioxidants is vital for the health of your skin.
Eating plenty of antioxidant-rich foods every day is therefore a key dietary factor, as, of course, are several others, some of which have been covered in other chapters, such as keeping your digestive tract and liver in good working order and the importance of certain fats.

Our Recommended Diets Are As Follows:

  • The food must be chewed properly before gulping inside to the esophagus and must not be eaten too fast or to slow.
  • Take 2 cups per day of fat-free or low-fat milk or equivalent milk products.
  • The environment around while consuming food must be clean, pleasant and hygienic.
  • Choose a variety of fruits and vegetables each day. In particular, dark green, orange, legumes, starchy vegetables, and other vegetables several times a week.
  • Large amount of water, liquids, juices etc must be taken to reduce dryness of the intestine and drain wastes out of the blood through urine. Fluid intake also helps prevent skin disorders and makes it glowing.
  • Drinking plenty of water helps reduce acne by flushing toxins out of your system and keeping your kidneys, liver and bowel functioning effectively.
What to Avoid

You need to avoid all of the following if you want great skin:
  • Avoid or limit alcohol.
  • Tea & coffee - no more than two cups a day
  • limit vegetable oils to a little olive oil and cold-pressed sunflower or other oils.
  • limit red meat to no more than three times a week - have fish, organic chicken or game instead.
  • Sometimes use alternatives to dairy products (milk & cheese) such as soya.
  • Include vegetable sources of protein such as soya, beans, lentils and sprouted seeds.
  • limit grain foods (those made from wheat, oats, rye etc.) to 1-2 portions daily avoid or limit alcohol.
  • Tea & coffee - no more than two cups a day.

Skin Vitamins and Minerals gallery

vitamin A - It very important for the health of your skin and helps in making the skin smooth and silky.

vitamin A is commonly found in fish oils, dairy products and liver. Vitamin A found in plants is called beta-carotene and is commonly found in yellow/ orange fruits and vegetables like carrot and cantaloupe. This is essential for the maintenance and healing of epithelial tissues, with skin being the largest expanse of epithelial tissues we have. This diet includes plenty of dark orange (carrots, sweet potatoes, winter squash) and dark green (broccoli, spinach, kale) vegetables -- all of which are high in vitamin A.

Vitamin B - It is a vital vitamin for skin for keeping it young. It also helps in hair growth and delays hair graying. This vitamin helps to make eyes bright and keeps skin clearer. Sprouted wheat, milk, green leafy vegetables, yeast, egg, fish, meat, wheat bran are some of the rich sources of Vitamin B.

Vitamin C - For collagen maintenance. Best sources are citrus fruits and juices, slow cantaloupe, strawberries, tomato sweet peppers and green peas.
Vitamin D - Vitamin D is essential for bone and skin. Best and free source of vitamin D is sunlight. It is also present in milk, egg, yolk and cod lever oil etc.

Vitamin E - To protect your cells against free radicals. This is a powerful antioxidant that helps slow the aging of skin cells and promote healthy skin.
Selenium - Is a mineral antioxidant that will help minimized the damage of ultraviolet lights. Researches show that it might even aid in skin cancer prevention. Good sources of selenium include tuna, wheat germ, sesame seeds, nuts, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, mushroom and whole grains.

Calcium - Calcium in diet helps in gaining clear complexion for skin. Lack of it can lead to weak bones, tooth problems and skin disorders. Primary source calcium are, milk, fenugreek, green leafy vegetables, figs, drumstick, grapes, millet, watermelon etc.

Iron - Gives healthy pink glow to the skin and helps to make blood richer. Pale skin is an indication of its deficiency. Gram, green gram, millet, dates, mangoes, meat, oyster, soybean etc are some of the rich sources of iron.

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