Linggo, Setyembre 18, 2011

Healthy Tips Face, Skin, Body

Spring is here, summer is around the corner and its time to tweak our facial skin care and beauty routine once again. For many of us the change of seasons will not require a total change in the products we use nor our daily skin care regimens just a little tweaking here and there. But some may experience increased flares; oiliness, pimples, dryness, and itching just to name a few that are related to allergies, insect bites or increases in temperature.

Oily Skin and Acne Healthy Skin Tips
Acne, oily and problem skin types may see an increase in sebum production leading to more inflammation, clogged pores and pimples. Mild to moderate acne can be controlled with a consistent  regimen and acne care products designed for oily and acne skin. If you have not added an herb facial steam to your routine you are missing out on one of the best healing natural treatments available for keeping your face clear and healthy looking. Use of a good exfoliant to keep your pores clean and unclogged is a must. I suggest exfoliating a minimum of once every other day. Use a cleanser type exfoliant not a cream. Do not use exfoliants on inflamed acne or pus filled cysts.

Keeping your hair clean and out of your face will help lessen oiliness, pimples and irritation. Do not use oily hair care products, this leads to more problems and if you should  ditch the hair spray unless you can precisely control where it goes. Its spring, the time of birth and renewal, try an off the face hair style or some other style to keep your hair out of your face, your skin will thank you.

Lighten up on the makeup, I know you may have some blemishes from the pimples but heavy makeup is not good for your skin type. If you must wear makeup, look for one that is oil free, natural, light and has ingredients to help heal your face. Oil-free alone is no longer enough, some new foundations for oily skin and acne now have salicylic acid and other healing ingredients. There are also some new natural mineral foundations and other new make-up available too. Take the time to explore new and healthier options for your skin. When your skin is healing actually no make-up at all is the better option to get your complexion healthy. That said, I know it does very little to help the self confidence of those who have blemishes and scars from their bout with acne.

Deep acne scars are most effectively treated by cosmetic surgery or aesthetic procedures such as microdermabrasion or laser light treatments. These are valid options to explore with a certified dermatologist or other professional. After treatment you can then maintain your new healthy skin with quality natural acne care products.

Don’t give up, using the right acne treatment products and other life style modifications can greatly improve your chances for success. Stress management, healthy diet, increased water intake, vitamin and mineral supplements can all contribute to improvements in your skin.

I have talked to many acne suffers who have had great improvements after they found a holistic alternative health professional. Herbal and alternative medicine properly administered by a professional may be the answer. If you have tried steroids, antibiotics and other drugs without much long term success, not to mention the side effects, perhaps it’s time for a change.  Be patient, getting your skin healthy for the long term will not happen over night, just remember that each day you are one step closer to your goal.

Sensitive Facial Skin Tips
Sensitive skin can be dry, oily, or normal which is why we feel it is more of a condition than a skin type. The fact that your skin is sensitive usually indicates that you can not tolerate some ingredients in some facial skin care products. Preservatives, fragrances, dyes and even some natural ingredients can trigger flares in sensitive types. If you know what ingredients can cause you a problem you are one step ahead and can look for products that may work for you. I suggest looking for natural skin care products that have minimal ingredients and no known irritants. You may also want to consider having custom products made. Herbal Luxuries offers this service just for people like you who may not be able to locate a product off the shelf that works for your particular needs. Sensitive types may also be affected by all the allergens that Mother Nature is bringing back to life this time of year. Have you ever considered being checked for allergies? Some foods, laundry detergent, pet dander and a host of other things could also be attributing to your sensitivity.

Eczema Tips
Those with eczema may need to visit their dermatologists and allergists to adjust their medications for the warmer temperatures to come. Stock up on natural emollients to keep your skin moist and healthy and also to help control the itch. With all the grasses, flowers and weeds coming to life there are lots of irritants in the air that can trigger the disease. Warm to cool baths with the addition of natural emollients will also help control the itch and lock moisture into the skin. Try not to overheat and keep cool as sweating can trigger the disease. Wear light cotton fabrics or linen/cotton blends. Change your laundry detergent; some manufacturers now have sensitive types. See our menu for more on eczema and atopic dermatitis.

Dry SkinTips
Dry skin types should be able to follow their normal routine although a little tweaking is in order. First you can use lighter daytime moisturizers now unless you have very dry skin. Add a natural hydrating mist to your daily skin care routine, this will help lessen the need for heavy creams and keep your face moist and refreshed at the same time. A mild creamy exfoliant once or twice a week will remove dulling dead cells and keep your complexion looking fresh. Look for natural skin care that has the nutrients that work to keep moisture in the skin.
Summer Healthy Tips For All Types
All skin types should consider daytime moisturizers, foundation and creams that have some UV protection. Natural sun-blocks like titanium dioxide and sun-screen like zinc oxide are very effective at blocking and absorbing both UVA and UVB rays. There is now new research that indicates the need for some sun (required for the natural production of vitamin D). However, sun bathing and tanning beds are still on the list of the worst choices for those who want to minimize skin damage that causes premature aging, wrinkles and skin cancer.

Facial creams and lotions with SPF ratings of 15 and below should be adequate for incidental sun exposure, like the sun you get through a window when driving your car or walking to the mail box. For extended exposure in the sun you should consider higher SPF rated pure sun protection products and apply frequently during each exposure. Those persons that burn easy should be particularly careful and apply heavy sunblock.

Diet and Nutrition Information for Healthy Skin and Beauty
Science has proven the connection between what goes in the body and the skin. There is an old adage that says you are what you eat. This is truer than some of us probably believe. A diet rich in fruits and vegetables can have a positive impact on our skin and bodies. A lot of the antioxidants in skin care products have a profound effect on the body when consumed in their natural forms from fruits, herbs and vegetables. The great thing about spring and summer is the markets are full of fresh fruits and vegetables. Crank up the blender to make fresh juices and smoothies from blueberries, blackberries, strawberries, peaches, bananas, pineapples etc. Use the excess fruit to mix with your facial mask; they are great for your skin. To be sure of no allergic reactions put some of the juice on your arm or other area and wait 24 hours to see if you have a reaction, if not you are probably safe to proceed.

The lowly cucumber that we often have with our salads has great skin care properties. I often place slices of cucumber on my eyes for 5 -10 minutes to eliminate dark circles and refresh them when I have worked too many hours. Cucumber juice is also great for blemishes and can be added to a powder mask for a refreshing healing experience. I might add that cucumber extract and distillate are pricey ingredients for beauty products.

It’s time to view fruits and vegetables a different way if you are interested in improving your overall health, skin condition and aging; they are one of your best natural weapons. Remember raw is better than cooked to get the most benefit of nutrients from fruits and vegetables. Some fruits and vegetables have particular potency in the rind or peel, so don’t peel off the skin on everything, you’re throwing away the good part. If you must cook them try steaming instead of boiling to help retain the nutrients inside them. When you pour all that green water off the broccoli you are sending all the nutrients down the drain too. Always try some of your creation on your arm or other area to check for reactions, usually its good to wait at least  24 hours before proceeding. If you are a very sensitive allergic person we suggest being checked for food allergies before trying fruit derived skin care products.

Drinking more water will definitely help all skin types keep their complexions in top shape. Water cleanses our internal organs, hydrates and flushes impurities from our bodies, which if left sitting around in there may affect our faces. My oily skin has definitely been less greasy since I started consuming a liter or more of water per day, not to mention the exercise from going to the bathroom more often.

Eat lots of fish  or take a fish oil and evening primrose supplement to make sure you are getting essential fatty acids in your diet; Omega-3 and Omega-6. These are not produced by the body and can only be obtained from diet or supplements. Deficiency has been linked to many skin conditions including acne, rosacea, eczema, psoriasis and other inflammatory skin conditions. They are also great for mood and metabolism, hormone imbalance, joints and overall health and well being.


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