Martes, Setyembre 13, 2011

Beauty Tips for Busy Moms

There are many women who are working in an offices and any other sort of work is their responsibility.These ladies are very busy in supporting their family and they have no time to look after themselves.We there for bring very easy Beauty Tips for Busy Moms that are very effective and result great.So gather your all remaining power to boost your self to become gorgeous even in your hectic life routine.

Actually for all these tips you need to spend only one, this day will be yours and you must prepare yourself firstly for this then other will let you to do this.So what you require, one day off every week and reserve it for beautifying your self.

After taking your breakfast and all early morning task of your family then lock yourself in bathroom.Start with cores like diffusing your legs or arms,dealing with superfluous hair on the face, washing and setting your hair and doing your nails.All these chores need to be done regularly for a well-groomed look.

Now Take your bath.Fill the bathtub with lukewarm water and put in a few drops of your favorite essence, Then, lie back in the tub and try to keep your mind blank think nothing of absolutely nothing for 10 min or try to dwell upon happy things in your memories.Get out of the bath and pat yourself dry and give yourself a facial.
Here are few things to remember and should be practice in your daily life.
  • Clean Your face both morning and night as you are out in the open for long a long periods, your skin takes on more dust and grime than the women who don’t work.
  • However tired you are after the day work and go to bed after a late night, do not hop into your bed with out removing every trace of your makeup other wise your pores will get clogged and your skin will become sick.
  • Every night before going to bed give your skin nourishment by rubbing in a little cream of milk blended with lime juice and pinch of turmeric powder.
  • Use only a dusting of powder, a soft shade of lipstick and a touch of rouge for your daily makeup.
  • Pay great attention to your personal cleanliness so that you will not feel fragrant.

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