Martes, Setyembre 13, 2011

Eating Healthy on Vacation

With summer nearing to an end, many people are packing up and heading out on a vacation (or relaxing on a staycation). If you plan to enjoy the last vestiges of summer with a getaway (big or small), keep these nutritious eating tips in mind during your travels.
  • Don’t be at the mercy of vending machines, fast food stops and airport cuisine. If you want healthy, convenient meals and snacks, take along a variety of our no-fuss weight management products. Many products simply require water to mix, such as our creamy puddings. Other products provide a truly grab-and-go treat, such as our delicious nutrition bars (Peanut Butter Crunch, Crisp ’n Crunch Fudge Graham) and our hit-the-spot snacks (Pretzel Twists and Chocolate Flavored Mini Crisps).
  • If you’re traveling by car, pack a cooler filled with a variety of fruits, cut-up vegetables, milk for cereal, ice cold water, etc.
  • If you’re traveling by plane, ask about special menus available, such as low-fat, sodium-restricted and vegetarian selections. (Note: You’ll need to make this special request when you book your flight.)
  • Consider eating breakfast in your room instead of heading for the hotel restaurant. It will save you calories, money, and free up extra time to enjoy more of the sights.
  • Look for no-calorie or low-calorie drinks (water, unsweetened coffee or tea, club soda, diet soda) to remove added calories on top of the food you’ll be consuming.
  • When you really feel the urge to indulge, be careful with portion sizes (consider splitting with a companion, ordering an appetizer instead of an entrĂ©e, or save half the meal to stash in the hotel refrigerator for later) and condiments (opt for ketchup, marinara, mustard, and others that are less than 25 calories per serving).
Remember, when you take a vacation from the daily grind, don’t take a vacation from your healthy lifestyle.

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