Linggo, Setyembre 18, 2011

Natural Beauty Tips for Men with Dry, Oily, or Sensitive Skin

Look, guys, "beauty" may be a scary word to some of you, but that doesn't change the fact that our bodies, especially our skin, benefits from a little attention, male or female. Many of these tips utilize natural, age-old secrets of skincare and beauty. Some of these beauty tips women have used for thousands of years, others belong solely in the court of men. Remember: real beauty is about health. Nothing looks better on a human bring than healthy, happy skin dressed up with a smile. Sometimes "beauty" may seem outside your scope of understanding. Many of you simply did not grow up in a world where a candid discussion of appearance amongst men was comfortable, or even acceptable. Well good news: this discussion of beauty tips is between you and me, and I won't tell a soul!

Men, you can go to a store and buy hundreds of dollars in fancy chemical products that promise ease, or you can walk into your kitchen or grocery store and find the same results, sans chemicals, with much the same or better results. This article sums up some of the best natural beauty tips for men. So suck it up, try something new, and thank me later!

1. Shave Properly

One of the greatest sources of male frustration with their skin comes from shaving. Though not always a daily task, shaving requires both time and concentration to get right. Many men end up with nicks or sore and dull-looking skin.
The number one cause of shaving problems, however, is lack of preparation for the chore.
To instantly experience fewer nicks, comfier skin, and a glowing expression, try these tricks below:
  • Wash your face first. For many men, a little stubble holds plenty of this and that, including crumbs, bits of dirt or mud, and even some stray hairs from your head or a significant other's. Likewise, the uneven distribution of oils over your skin can wreak havoc with the blade. A clean face makes a safer surface for the blade.
  • Shave in the shower. Softening up the stiff hairs and skin before shaving helps to cut down on ingrown hairs and nicks. A splash of water won't accomplish the same thing. It takes a little time, water, and warmth to achieve softened hair and skin. For this in a hurry with no time for a shower, try dampening a washcloth with warm water and laying it over your face until it cools.
  • Use a sharp blade. My husband would use the same razor for shaving until it wore down to the nub or rusted off the handle, but he appreciates when I stick a new one in the shower for him. Why? Because a new, sharp, clean blade avoids ingrown hairs, uneven cutting, and damaged skin.
  • Know when to go with or against the grain. Most men should go against the direction of their hair growth when shaving. This ensures the closest possible cut. However, those with sensitive skin should experiment with doing otherwise. For most men with sensitive skin, certain parts of the face rather than the entire face may be prone to irritation. At these points, try shaving with the direction of the hair. While the shave may not be as close, it will reduce the amount of friction and irritation caused by stubborn little hairs. For those whose beards grow any which way they please, shave downward for several weeks. Gradually, the hair should begin to grow in the same direction.
  • Glide, don't scrape. Most men find it tempting to press the razor while shaving. Most razors have protective designs that prevent nicks in this scenario, but the harder you press, the more skin you remove. Sensitive skin or not, men who scrape will experience greater irritation, sensitivity, and dry skin. And don't think for a moment that scraping helps with oily skin: the sudden removal of so much skin stimulates the oil glands to produce additional oil to compensate.

2. Wash You Face Daily and Naturally

Men, I understand. You use the bar soap on the rest of your body, so why not your face? Here's the factual answer: different parts of your skin have differing pH levels, bacteria, and amounts of oil. Your skin maintains a delicate balancing act at all times, which standard bar soaps, many of which contain oil-stripping sulfates, disrupt. Additionally, men tend to have larger pores and oilier skin. Men need to wash their faces daily, but standards soaps will clog those pores, leading to breakouts, irritation, and uneven skin tone, while sulfate-based soaps will strip oils altogether and expose you to unsavory chemicals.
So put down that bar of soap, and do this instead:


For Everyday
  • Oil. No, really! Oil dissolves oil, and a 1:1 mixture of extra virgin olive oil and castor oil will do wonders for your skin. Those with oily skin should use a bit more castor oil (2:1 or 3:1), while those with dry and sensitive skin should use more olive oil (again, 2:1 or 3:1 is usually sufficient). Those with severe acne should add a drop or two of tea tree oil. You can make up a little bit of the mixture at a time, or enough to last you a month at a time.
DIRECTIONS: Start with dry hands and a dry face. Put some of the oil mixture on your hands and then massage it into your face very gently for a minute or two. Now take a cloth and wet it with warm water (not too hot!). Lay the wet wash cloth over your face and wait until the wash cloth cools. This allows the oils to penetrate and cleanse your pores. Rinse the washcloth and gently wipe away any excess oil.
For Once in Awhile
  • Aloe and Cucumber. I bet you have each of these lying around somewhere. You know the Aloe Vera gel you buy for sunburns? Use that, unless you have the real stuff at your grocery store. If you do, just open the plant near its base and scrape out the gel. Be gentle: you don't want any of the yellow stuff from the stalk, just the gel. Aloe is moisturizing and nutritious for skin, while cucumber soothes inflammation.
DIRECTIONS: Take about 2 TBS of Aloe and half of a washed, peeled, seeded cucumber. Throw it all in a blender or food processor until it makes a nice, smooth paste. Spread it over your paste. It will feel quite chilly at first: this is a good sign! Let it dry for 20 to 30 minutes. Wash off with lukewarm or cool water and pat your face dry with a towel.

Eating right makes for strong bodies, healthy skin, great hair, and a lifted mood.

3. Put Down the French Fries!

If you want healthy skin, you should start with a healthy diet. Foods rich in Vitamin A, Vitamin E, and Omega-3s - just to name a few - will impart profound benefits to your skin. Vitamin E, in particular, makes your skin more youthful and healthy. And remember: healthy skin means more protective skin and better overall health.

So put down the fries and reach for these foods and supplements instead.



  • Wheat Germ: high in Vitamin E
  • Vegetable Oils: high in Vitamin E
  • Fish Oil: high in Omega-3s
  • Sunflower Seeds: high in Vitamin E
  • Flaxseed: high in Omega-3s
  • Carrots: high in Vitamin A
  • Peanuts: high in Vitamin E
  • Salmon: high in Omega-3s

4. Stop Stripping Your Hair

While sulphate shampoos offer ease and simplicity, men can do better. For healthy hair and scalp, many men - especially those with oily or sensitive scalps - benefit from natural alternatives. Manufactured sulphate-free shampoo bars and soaps make this an easy switch (I recommend Chagrin Valley Soap or LUSH), but making your own is easy (and cheap), too! Note: hair accustomed to sulphate soap sometimes needs a week or two to acclimate to sulphate-free shampoo. Feel free to add a quick Apple Cider Vinegar rinse once a week, too: 1 part Apple Cider Vinegar to 8 parts water.

  • One (12 oz) Clean, Empty Bottle
  • 1/4 cup Distilled Water
  • 1/4 cup + 1 TBS Liquid Castile Soap - unscented or scented, it's up to you!
  • 3/4 tsp Apricot, Jojoba, Grapeseed, Olive or other light oil.
DIRECTIONS: Throw it all in a bottle and give it a shake each time before you use it. It will have a relatively thin consistency, so just pour a little on your head and lather away!

  • One (12 oz) Clean, Empty Bottle
  • 1/4 cup Distilled Water
  • 1/4 cup + 1 TBS Liquid Castile Soap - unscented or scented, it's up to you!
  • 1/8 tsp Peppermint Oil
  • 1/4 tsp Tea Tree Oil
  • 1/8 tsp Rose Hip Oil (optional)
DIRECTIONS: Add everything to the bottle except the distilled water. Give it all a good shake, then add the water. Shake again. Before using each time, remember to shake it all together as oil and water do not mix happily for long. It will have a relatively thin consistency, so just pour a little on your head and lather away!

  • One (12 oz) Clean, Empty Bottle
  • 1/2 cup Distilled Water
  • 3/4 cup Liquid Castile Soap - unscented or scented, it's up to you!
  • 1 tsp Vitamin E Oil
  • 1 tsp Jojoba, Apricot, or Olive Oil
DIRECTIONS: Mix everything together in the bottle and give it a good shake each time before using. It will have a relatively thin consistency, so just pour a little on your head and lather away!

  • One (12 oz) Clean, Empty Bottle
  • 3/4 cup Distilled Water
  • 1/2 cup + 2 TBS Liquid Castile Soap - unscented or scented, it's up to you!
  • 6 Chamomile Tea Bags
  • 1/2 tsp Apricot, Jojoba, or Olive Oil
  • 1/4 tsp Rose Hip Oil
DIRECTIONS: Boil the 3/4 cup of water and add chamomile tea bags. Steep for about 20 minutes. Discard teabags and allow tea to cool. Add everything to your bottle and give it a good shake each time before you use. It will have a relatively thin consistency, so just pour a little on your head and lather away!

5. Fight Dandruff with... Sugar?

Those with dandruff know what a difficult problem it can be to treat. Just when you think you have it cornered, those tell-tale white flakes show up on your shoulders. This brown-sugar and honey scrub should be use once every week or two to fight dandruff. Honey helps draw moisture toward the hair and scalp, sealing it in. Honey also has well-known antibacterial properties, which combat any of the funny business which may be behind the dandruff. The brown sugar gently exfoliates without damaging the skin. Combined with one of the healthy shampoo recipes above, this recipe will see to it that your dandruff doesn't stand a chance.
  • 2 TBS Brown Sugar - light or dark will do
  • 1 TBS Honey
Mix together the honey and brown sugar in a small bowl or your hand, reducing or increasing either ingredient until you find a texture that is comfortable for you. Gently exfoliate the scalp with this mixture for 5 minutes. Rinse thoroughly and wash as usual.

6. Whiten Teeth with Strawberries

Steer clear of heavy duty teeth bleaching and go for this natural beauty tip instead. Strawberry pulp makes an excellent (and sweet!) natural teeth whitener. In fact, this method is so effective that you must exercise a bit of caution. As with anything acidic, it can eat away at tooth enamel instead of gently whitening it if the user isn't careful
  • Brush gently. Rub don't scrub.
  • Have a quick mouth-rinse handy. Milk or water work great!
  • Use a soft-bristle brush or a clean finger.
  • Do this once in awhile, not every day.
Directions: mash strawberries into a fine pulp. Rub, don't scrub, the mixture over your teeth. Try to avoid scraping your gums with the strawberry seeds. Allow pulp to sit on your teeth for five minutes before thoroughly rinsing out your mouth.

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